Craig Easton: Is Anybody Listening?, presented by the University of Salford Art Collection, arrives at the University, where Easton is an alumnus, after launching at Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool and touring to Blackpool School of Arts earlier this year.
Art Collection Team Assistant Rowan, who curated Visibilities, our current exhibition at the New Adelphi, dives deeper into one of the artworks on display for August's Artwork of the Month.
Join Visibilities curator Rowan Pritchard, with Stephanie Fletcher (Art Collection, Assistant Curator) for a lunchtime tour of Visibilities: Shaping a story of now.
The University of Salford Art Collection & Castlefield Gallery announce the five graduate artists awarded a place on annual Graduate Sholarship Programme.
Sustaining Photography is a collaborative project by Lizzie King & Gwen Riley Jones to connect and engage students at the University of Salford with sustainable photographic processes, using produce from the University’s Community Growing Space. Traditional photographic methods use chemicals that create toxic waste. The project instead is sharing and developing new methods using organic, […]
A Throwbhack Thursday blog ahead of the launch of new exhibition 'Some Days I Feel Triangle'.
Gwen gets to know members of Salford Youth Council. Their conversation begins by discussing 'What is NOT art?'