What’s on
Exhibitions and Events
JUNE 2020:
Our exhibitions are currently closed and our events are post-poned due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. However we’re pleased to announce a programme of online commissions, film screenings, and support for artists during this time – below.
Please check back soon for re-opening news for our campus gallery, displays and loans.
COVID Commissions
Spring-Autumn 2020
Six new commissions with our key partners, supporting artists to capture contemporary experiences during the pandemic.
Image: Parham Ghalamdar, Birds or Borders, 2020. Still from digital video

Online Screenings
Spring-Autumn 2020
Sharing film and vide works from our collection to view online, including online launches with our partners & co-commissioners.
Image: Open Music Archive, Everything I Have Is Yours (2019). Still from digital video
Spring Micro-commissions
July-Aug 2020
Five artists from, living, or working in Salford have been commissioned to make new content, in response to our Collection.
Image: Jesse Glazzard, Unexpected Salford (2020) Digital zine.
Studio Visits
Spring-Summer 2020
Bookable slots for artists in the region to have online studio visits with our curatorial team.
Image: Chris Paul Daniels and Sam Meech, One Square Mile (2016) Still from digital video.