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Exhibition – Cecile Elstein: The Sisyphus Suite

Cecile Elstein: The Sisyphus Suite

Autumn 2023
Clifford Whitworth Library
University of Salford

We are delighted to share that Cecile Elstein’s The Sisyphus Suite is now on display in the Clifford Whitworth Library.

Elstein’s series of eight screen prints were made between 1979-80 in response to Albert Camus’ 1942 philosophical essay The Myth of Sisyphus. The full series of prints are on display in the Library’s ground floor exhibition space following the recent acquistion of the work.

The Library is open 24/7 to students and staff, and open to the public 8am – 7pm on weekdays and 8am – 5pm on the weekend. For more information on visiting the library, click here.

Cecile Elstein (b. 1938, Cape Town, South Africa) is a printmaker, sculptor, and environmental artist based in Didsbury, South Manchester. In the 1980s, Elstein worked at the Manchester Print Workshop with the Master Printer Kip Gresham. The Workshop was based at the University of Salford until 1985. The Sisyphus Suite joins two works from Elstein already in the Collection made during this time, Small Offering (1980) and A Letter from Mrs Gould (1981).

The Sisyphus Suite was generously gifted to the University of Salford Art Collection from Cecile Elstein Studio Ltd in 2023.