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In Conversation: Paul Morley with Eileen Simpson and Ben White (Open Music Archive)


Join music journalist Paul Morley as he delves into the themes behind Everything I Have Is Yours, with the artists Eileen Simpson and Ben White (Open Music Archive), plus an audience Q&A.

Galleries open until 5.45pm for anyone who wants to watch Everything I Have Is Yours before the in conversation event.

Paul Morley’s text in response to Everything I Have Is Yours.

In addition to interviewing the artists Morley discusses the history of the UK charts, sampling culture and music distribution in a post-internet climate.

Date: Wednesday 2 October 2019, 6 – 8pm
Admission: Free, booking required via Eventbrite
Venue: Salford Museum and Art Gallery, Salford

Part of the current Together We Move engagement programme, supported by Arts Council England project grants, the University of Salford Art Collection and Castlefield Gallery.