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PRESENCE: A Window on Engaging with Chinese Contemporary Art and Culture


A day of discussions and workshops with innovators in the field, including national and regional agencies, curators and artists involved in international cultural exchange.

University of Salford Art Collection, in partnership with Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) and Open Eye Gallery invite you to a day of talks and discussions inspired by the exhibition PRESENCE: A Window into Chinese Contemporary Art, part of the China Dream season in Liverpool. The exhibition showcases the University of Salford collection of Chinese contemporary art which was formed mainly in collaboration with CFCCA, and which is available for loan to museums and art galleries.

The event is aimed at curators, directors, artists, students, writers and funders who are interested in learning more about contemporary culture from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the diaspora, and who might be looking to develop exhibitions, commissions or collaborations in the UK or internationally.

Held in the historic St George’s Hall, morning sessions will include representation from Open Eye Gallery, CFCCA, University of Salford Art Collection, amongst others (see programme outline below). The afternoon will include further talks followed by participation in a choice of discussion groups about how to collaborate in the UK and China.

Date: Friday 11 May 2018, 9.30am – 4pm
Venue: Court Room, St. George’s Hall, entrance via the Heritage Centre on St. John’s Lane, Liverpool
Admission: £25 general admission and £18 students / artists. Lunch will be provided. Bookings via Eventbrite.

There are also options to attend the private view of Shen Xin at CFCCA in Manchester on Thursday 10 May from 6.00pm and/or visit the exhibition Snapshot to WeChat: A Migration of Identity at Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool.

PRESENCE: A Window on Engaging with Chinese Contemporary Art and Culture is produced by University of Salford Art Collection, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and China Dream (part of Liverpool 2018).

Programme for the Day

9.30 am Registration, Tea and coffee on arrival

10.00 am Welcome to China Dream by Robin Kemp, Head of Creative Development, Culture Liverpool

10.05 am Welcome and introduction to event by Lindsay Taylor, Curator, University of Salford

10.10 am       Session one: Commissioning and Collecting Chinese Contemporary Art for University of Salford Art Collection and beyond

  • Lindsay Taylor, Curator, University of Salford Art Collection and co-curator of PRESENCE
  • Professor Jiang Jiehong, Birmingham City University, and curator of This is Shanghai, part of China Dream
  • Marianna Tsionki, Curator, Centre For Chinese Contemporary Art  (CFCCA) and University of Salford
  • Thomas Dukes, Curator, Open Eye Gallery
  • Olivia Heron, Assistant Curator, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (MIMA)
  • Jennifer Ellis, Head of Projects and Development, Edouard Malingue Gallery

11.20 am       Coffee break and networking

11.40 am       Session Two: Introducing Chinese art into the UK context

12.45              Lunch, tea and coffee

13.15/13.25   Optional introductory tour of PRESENCE exhibition or St. George’s Hall

13.45              Session Three: Working with China, Maximising Resources

  • Sarah Fisher, Director, Open Eye Gallery and partner in China Dream
  • Emma Coleman, Programmes Manager, Art Fund
  • Ying Tan, British Council, and former Curator of CFCCA
  • Nicola Smyth, Senior Manager International, Arts Council England
  • Professor Juan Cruz, Royal College of Art, Trustee of John Moores Liverpool Exhibition Trust which instigated John Moores Painting Prize (China) and the International Awards for Art Criticism (IAAC)

14.15              Session Four: Two concurrent workshop ‘sharing’ sessions (Select one):

For each workshop a small number of invited guests will briefly share their experiences before opening up to discussion. Delegates are invited to suggest topics or questions in advance.

  • Group A. Approaches to working in or with China

This session is aimed at those who have no, or limited experience of working with or in China and who would like to learn more. Chaired by Nicola Smyth, Arts Council England. Invited guests include:

  • Stephanie Fletcher, Assistant Curator, University of Salford Art Collection
  • Professor Andy Willis, Film Studies, University of Salford
  • Sian Bonnell, Reader in Photography, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Group B. Establishing collaborations with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: Networks, Partnerships and Strategy

This session is aimed at those who have some experience of working in or with China and who are looking to build collaborations. Chaired by Professor Juan Cruz, Royal College of Art. Invited guests include:

  • Tiffany Leung, Curator, CFCCA
  • Sarah Perks, Artistic Director: Visual Arts, HOME
  • Sam Ingleson, Associate Dean: Engagement, Enterprise and Partnerships, University of Salford

15.15              Session Five: Choose from:

  • Tour of PRESENCE exhibition with Stephanie Fletcher.
  • Tour of Snap Chat to We Chat and China Connections at Open Eye Gallery with Thomas Dukes.
  • Meet the speaker sessions – an opportunity to meet with some of the speakers from the day to ask questions, or to network.

16.00              End