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Albert Adams: In Context – Watch the Symposium

The Albert Adams: In context symposium took place on the 9th of March 2022. The entire half-day of discussion was recorded and divided into four sessions, which are now available below for viewing.

If you have any questions or comments about the symposium, please don’t hesitate to reach out:

Session 1:  

In this first session, Lindsay Taylor (Curator, University of Salford Art Collection) introduces the symposium. Alice Correia (Independent art historian, writer and curator) begins the presentations with an overview of Albert Adams’ life and work, followed by a video tour of the Albert Adams Room at the University of Salford, and a video of Albert Adams discussing his work from c.2002.

Session 2:

Session two begins with a presentation from Allan Walker (University of Salford) discussing Albert Adams as a printmaker. Followed by a presentation from Alexandra Lawson discussing her research and work while conserving one of Albert Adams’s paintings at The Courtauld Institute. These presentations are followed by a brief Q&A discussion.

Session 3:

In session three, the presentations explore the concepts and contexts of Adams’ work. Firstly, Elena Crippa (Senior Curator, Tate Britan) discusses Adams alongside other artists working in Britain post-war, and those who influenced his work including Oskar Kokoschka. Greg Salter (University of Birmingham) discusses the queer possibilities of Adams’ work, in connection with artists such as Francis Bacon and Keith Vaughan. Finally, Christine Eyene (University of Central Lancashire) discusses Adams’ work in conjunction with the George Hallett archive and other South African artists working in exile in the UK. This session also includes a brief Q&A between speakers.

Session 4:

In session four, the speakers come together to anwser questions from the audience and explore in more detail some of the ideas raised throughout the afternoon. Following the discussion panel, Jackie Kay shares four poems inspired by the work of Albert Adams, before final remarks and thank yous from both Lindsay Taylor and Alice Correia bring the symposium to a finish.