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Exhibition Coming Soon: Visibilities (May – Aug 2023)

Visibilities: Shaping a story of now 

15th May – 25th August 2023

Albert Adams, Ruth Barker, Maurice Carlin, Craig Easton, Gwilym Hughes, Katie McGuire, Hetain Patel, Mandy Payne, Jai Redman, Gavin Turk, Wu Yue

Save the date!

Exhibition launch: Thursday, 25th May 2023

New Adelphi Exhibition Gallery, Salford

What does it mean to be visible? Visibilities brings together works from the Collection to explore and examine who and what is represented in our contemporary collecting, and how these visibilities shape what we think of as our ‘stories of now’.

After almost two years working closely with the University of Salford Art Collection, Team Assistant Rowan Pritchard curates Visibilities, unpicking what shapes the Collection today, who is visible within it, and what stories the Collection tells.

An images shows a man and a woman reaching out for each other and holding hands by the water front. Behind them the Wuhan skyline rises into the blue sky.
Wu Yue, Reconnected, 2020. Courtesy the Artist.