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Spring events: Laura Daly artist tours & Lowri Evans exhibition launch


Rediscovering Salford: Tours of The Storm Cone and Exhibition Launch

Join us on Saturday 2 April as we celebrate the final months of Rediscovering Salford, a city-wide creative programme which highlights Salford’s parks and green spaces.

Artist Laura Daly will lead tours of her augmented reality artwork The Storm Cone in Peel Parkand you can see Lowri Evans’ new exhibition Leaves / Leaving in the Museum and meet the artist. You can also still visit the exhibition You Belong Here which runs until 19 June.

The exhibition opening is from 2:00 – 4:00pm. Please book your visit to the museum to attend. Tours of The Storm Cone will be at 12pm and 2pm and need to be booked separately.

In addition, there are monthly curator tours of the exhibition, including BSL and Audio Described sessions – plus an artist talk with Laura Daly on 19th May. For all dates, further information, and free ticket booking, visit the Salford Museum & Art Gallery ‘What’s on’ page.

You can also read more about the artists & exhibition on the project website.