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Social media residency: Shane Aspegren, 2-7 Nov


As part of Peer to Peer UK/HK, we’re pleased to welcome Hong Kong based composer, writer and artist Shane Aspegren for a social media takeover, from 2-7 November on our Instagram page.

Shane’s recent practice has explored analogue, physical and digital formats, and spans installation, sound, sculpture, video and performance. He often explores a cross-discipline and non-dualistic perspective on topics including consciousness, ritual, group dynamics, societal customs, and human response to natural phenomena.

During this residency, Shane will share 2 posts each day of new and recent works, including ‘daily frequency’ sound art works made for meditation & wellness during the pandemic.

Shane was nominated by Festival Director Ying Kwok, with Hong Kong based gallery HART.


“After spending the past few years navigating my various practices towards areas of the analog/physical, this year has been interesting in terms of a forced adaptation back towards the digital. In hono/u/r of that (as well as with a small offering of counterbalance towards the inevitably chaotic week of global media that lies ahead) I will mainly be sharing some images, sounds, words, documentation, and links to recent attempts of blurring lines between my various creative practices and a specific thread of interest / ongoing investigation of #frequencies and #sound and it’s effects on the human mind and physical body. Also, each day I’ll be re-sharing a link to the @dailyfreq#soundmeditation recordings that I began posting during our first quarantine in Hong Kong. Stay tuned…”
– Shane Aspegren

Also online: UK artist Chris Paul Daniels social media takeover with WMA HK

As part of the international artist exchange, we’ve nominated Salford/Manchester based artist Chris Paul Daniels to undertake a social media residency with the Hong Kong arts organisation WMA. Chris, who has a studio at Paradise Works in Salford, will be sharing recent work on the page from now until 13th November.

Follow WMA_HK on Instagram for updates, and visit the Peer to Peer UK/HK website for further info on the full programme of residencies, commissions and talks during November 2020.