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‘Welcome Wee One’ – A poem by Professor Jackie Kay CBE


Professor Jackie Kay CBE, University Chancellor and Scots Makar, is sharing a series of poems with colleagues, students and members of the public, reflecting on the current period of uncertainty that we are in.

This week, we are sharing Jackie’s poem ‘Welcome Wee One’, to welcome all of the babies who have come into the world in the last few months but also sparing a thought for relatives who have not yet met the new babies in their families due to current social distancing restrictions. 

‘Welcome Wee One’

O ma darlin wee one

At last you are here in the wurld

And wi’ aa your wisdom

Your een bricht as the stars,

You’ve filled this hoose with licht,

Yer trusty wee haun, your globe o’ a heid, 

My cherished yin, my hert’s ain!

O ma darlin wee one

The hale wurld welcomes ye:

The mune glowes; the hearth wairms.

Let your life have luck, health, charm,

Ye are my bonny blessed bairn,

My small miraculous gift.

I never kent luve like this.​​​​​​​

Published in BANTAM, reprinted with kind permission of Picador Publishers.

Don’t miss Jackie’s weekly series of online literary and musical performances. ‘Makar to Makar’ will showcase a line-up of established talent and emerging voices from Scotland and around the world. Read more about ‘Makar to Makar’ here.

Follow Jackie on Twitter @JackieKayPoet to hear a new poem every Sunday.