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‘The World Is A Village’ – weekly poem by Professor Jackie Kay CBE


Professor Jackie Kay CBE, University Chancellor and Scots Makar, is sharing a series of poems with colleagues, students and members of the public, reflecting on the current period of uncertainty that we are in.

This week, Jackie has shared her poem ‘The World Is A Village’, which analyses the paradox of never being more connected but also never being less connected to each other.

‘The World Is A Village’ 

It’s the whole world in our hands, my mum says, 

half her face on an iPad in her Care Home. 

Not just Scotland. It goes wherever it roams. 

You’re just there; you’ve never been more far away. 

It’s China, Korea, Syria, Spain, every way 

You turn – Nigeria, Australia, the USA. We’re not alone. 

Families living grief, the bright light shone 

On us human beings. We’ll look back one day 

And the light will be grey and unforgiving. 

It’s one thing to say we’re all in the same boat; 

But what if we’re not in the same boat. 

We carry on doing what we’re doing for each other, 

Our hearts open like doors: distance-giving, fonder. 

For our brothers and sisters, our sisters and brothers 

Copyright Jackie Kay. Reprinted with kind permission from the author.

Catch up on previous weekly poems here.

Don’t miss Jackie’s new weekly series of online literary and musical performances. ‘Makar to Makar’ will showcase a line-up of established talent and emerging voices from Scotland and around the world. Read more about ‘Makar to Makar’ here.

Follow Jackie on Twitter @JackieKayPoet to hear a new poem every Sunday.