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PRINT UnLtd.: A New Spirit in Printmaking


Where is print now? How did we get here? Where to next?

Sean Rorke, Artistic Director of Hot Bed Press gives an illustrated talk on innovative approaches to printmaking, past, present and future. Printmaking is constantly being re-invented and re-appropriated by artists.  Printmaking is constantly being re-invented and re-appropriated by artists.  See how artists have challenged what is a print and how a new generation of artists are breaking the rulebooks, re-thinking processes and questioning the norms.

Date: Wednesday 5 September 2018, 6 -7.30pm
Venue: Salford Museum and Art Gallery, Salford, M5 4WU
Admission: £3.50, tickets available on Eventbrite.

PRINT UnLtd. is an exhibition by Salford Museum and Art and Salford Community Leisure in partnership with University of Salford Art Collection and Hot Bed Press, funded by Arts Council England: Grants for the Arts.