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Exhibition Dates: Wednesday 22 February – Friday 26 May 2017
Venue: New Adelphi Exhibition Gallery,  New Adelphi Building, University of Salford, Peel Park Campus, University Road West, M5 4BR
Gallery opening times: Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm
Admission: Free

Memory is an exhibition to launch the year-long Dear Library project – an initiative conceived by University of Salford Chancellor and writer-in-residence Jackie Kay, to champion libraries and celebrate the breadth of services they offer.

The exhibition takes the University of Salford Libraries, Archive & Special Collections as a starting point. As well as materials relating to the history of the University, the Archive & Special Collections hold a number of unique items relating to late nineteenth and early twentieth century literature, politics and social history. Responding to these collections, Jackie has written three new poems on the theme of truth, authenticity and memory – with recollections of holidays, adventures and journeys to new places as a particular focus.

Artworks from the University of Salford’s Art Collection that reflect on the same themes are also on display alongside the archive materials and new poetry.

Visitors are welcome to add their own thoughts, poems, photographs and memories to the ‘memory wall’ – allowing the exhibition to grow gently and change over the coming months.

Dear Library is a collaboration between the University of Salford Libraries, Archive & Special Collections; University of Salford Art Collection and Salford Community Libraries. The project was inspired by a similar project which Jackie Kay was involved with at the Scottish Book Trust in 2014.

A programme of Dear Library activities, workshops events will take place across Salford throughout the year.
